Marketing of innovative products on the example of a meat processing enterprise


  • Ye.М. Sivetskyi Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


marketing of innovations, meat processing enterprise, sausage products


The article examines the place of innovation marketing in the successful operation of a meat processing enterprise. It has been proven that due to the correct use of marketing tools, it is possible to prevent the product from «hanging out» on the market. The main aspects of marketing of innovative products are: innovation as a competitive advantage, definition of the target audience, positioning in the market, communication strategy, price strategy, adaptation of the product to the market, use of early adopters, risk of failure. The object of research in the article was the marketing of innovations of Zhytomyr meat processing plant LLC. The enterprise is offered to consider the possibility of releasing a new type of product, first-grade «Olivier+» sausage, which can be classified as a combined meat product that combines traditional consumer qualities and the use of full-fledged raw materials of plant origin.


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