Electronic services of pension fund of Ukraine: functional and availability to the users.
The Pension Fund of Ukraine, the electronic portal of the pension fund, the pension systemAbstract
The article highlights the documentary and informational features of the organization of the work of the Pension Fund of Ukraine with the population in the matter of pensions, insurance and other forms of cooperation. The important functions of the institution include the observance of guarantees of social security of the population in age and insurance cases, which requires their documentary support and confirmation of certain facts. The specifics of the formation of the list of services and the organization of cooperation with citizens in the conditions of digitalization and the introduction of automated systems for working with queries of various kinds have been established. The necessity of expanding the list of services, transfer of work with citizens to electronic mode, the establishment of cooperation PFC as an important central executive authority with all enterprises, organizations and institutions in establishing the insured event and managing the pension business.References
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